Čína fuzz4321@gmail.com: '/**/and/**/DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(…
Čína fuzz4321@gmail.com: '/**/and/**/DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(…
Čína fuzz4321@gmail.com: 'and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0…
Čína fuzz4321@gmail.com: 'and(select+1)>0waitfor/**/delay'0:0…
Čína fuzz4321@gmail.com: '/**/and(select'1'from/**/pg_sleep(6)):…
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  • užívateľský avatar
    Rumunsko Mikeyyybz

    BE CAREFULL. They bann me for no reason and now i can't play on 90% of custom server. The staff is very bad and associaded me with an account that i never heard before and ban me in CFtools, i was talking with them and try to explaine that it was not me and ban me from discord too.
